16. Summary of Some Weather Engineering and Other Capabilities
Some of the simpler scalar interferometer capabilities in engineering of the weather and
geophysical events are:
a. Steering the jet streams, thus “steering” or “guiding” weather entities. By
warming the air in one region, the warm air expands so that it is thinner. Thus the
interferometry makes a low pressure area in that region. By gradually moving the
“warming region” (by moving the interference zone’s location), the low pressure area is
“steered” and its path is determined. By cooling the air in a region, a high pressure area is
created, and it is steered in the same fashion. By making multiple highs and lows and
adroitly positioning and steering them, the jet streams and other prevailing winds can be
entrained, “captured” and steered. This alone allows substantial augmentation and
steering of weather effects.
b. By warming or cooling the moisture and air in a large storm or front, the
power of the front can be affected.
c. By producing negative energy pulses inside a storm, the negative energy
Dirac sea holes “eat” electron charges in the storm, diminishing the charge in the storm
and reducing the storm’s power.
d. By producing positive EM energy pulses inside a storm, extra electrons
can be lifted from the Dirac sea, increasing the charge and power of the storm.
e. By building very large rotation in the path of a storm, and then by sharply
decreasing the diameter of the curving for a sharper curvature, the angular momentum of
the overall storm will spawn “spin-off” concentrated spins, resulting in the formation of
tornadoes, waterspouts, etc.
f. By establishing a large high pressure area in a region, that region acts as a
“block” for normal winds and storm directions at lower pressures.
g. By establishing a large low pressure area in a region, that region acts as an
“attractant” for normal winds and storm activity at higher pressure.
h. By focusing the interference zone inside a volcano to its magma, and
steadily depositing additional EM energy in the piezoelectric matter, a buildup of
pressure in the volcano is induced. Eventually the volcano will erupt from the increased
pressure. If the increase in pressure is applied slowly, the slow increase in pressure will
be held longer by the static friction, so that a higher pressure is reached before the
volcano erupts. This engenders a large and violent eruption, with consequently greater
ejection and distant dispersion of ash, lava, and other debris.
i. By more rapidly inputting the energy into the volcano, the eruption will
occur at a lower pressure and so a smaller eruption will ensue.
j. All sorts of “patterns” of EM energy aŽ? glowing spheres, hemispheres,
etc. aŽ? can be produced and these can be used against various targets, either for electrical
and electronic destruction or for electromagnetic explosions of these balls of energy once
they contact the intended target.
k. By depositing the extra interferometry energy in a fault zone location, the
increased piezoelectric activity will also result in increased stress in the rocks, thereby
inducing an earthquake when the rocks finally slip. By adjusting the rate at which the
excess energy is added, the size of the resulting earthquake can also be changed.
l. By increasing the charge of a storm, its electrical activity and the resulting
lightning strikes can be increased. This is useful, e.g., in repeatedly producing large forest
fires, particularly when combined with weather engineering to produce a drought
condition. On the other hand, by decreasing the charge of a storm, its electrical activity
and therefore its lightning strike activity can be decreased.
m. By inducing repeatedly pulsed negative energy in an area containing living
animals or humans, the animals or humans can be directly killed. Strong pulsing will
result in rather instant death, where the bodies drop limply, with not even a nerve cell
firing thereafter. Everything living aŽ? cells, microbes, viruses, whatever aŽ? in the struck
bodies is killed instantly, and the bodies do not decay, even over a month or more. The
Soviets tested such weaponry in this mode against two Afghan villages in their own war
in Afghanistan, and it is probable that the Yakuza is now able to produce portable
weapons with this capability.
n. Since the longitudinal EM waves used in the interferometry of a scalar
interferometer easily penetrate Faraday shields, the ocean, the earth, etc., such weapons
are very useful in attacking deep underground targets and facilities and destroying them
or wreaking damage.
o. The use of a more portable scalar interferometer to destroy the electronic
controls of a normal or nuclear power plant from a distance is obvious. With nuclear
power plants this poses the risk of a melt down. Electrical controls for pipe valves, etc.
are also vulnerable; the storage of spent nuclear fuel rods is largely underwater in pools
on normal power plant sites. If the water is drained from those pools, the rods will heat
up and again a melt down condition or very hazardous venting of radioactivity can ensue.
p. The control systems for hydroelectric dams are deadly vulnerable to scalar
interferometry attack.
q. Large electronic complexes such as switching and control systems,
centralized control systems for power grids and substations, etc. are deadly vulnerable to
scalar interferometry attack, by either long range or short range interferometers.
r. Chemical plants, refineries, fuel storage sites, tank farms, etc. are also
deadly vulnerable to scalar interferometry, including portable attack.
s. Liquid natural gas ships, oil tankers, etc. are also highly vulnerable to
scalar interferometry attack.
t. Surges on the power distribution grid transmission lines can easily be
accomplished by scalar interferometry, methodically causing great damage to the grid
and emergency shutdown of most of its “feeding” power plants. As much of the grid as
desired can easily be kept nonfunctional, as long as desired, by occasional repeats.
u. Many other capabilities also exist to use the interferometry to affect the
weather, the atmosphere, the rocks in the earth or at the bottom of the ocean, etc.